Thursday, October 2, 2008


Hey so I've been Tagged by my sister Natalie, and am supposed to list 6 quirky things about myself. Here goes, sorry it took so long!

1. I am the worst decision maker EVER! My family had no confidence in me that I would be able to plan my wedding during my engagement period, so my sister Andrea and I started thinking and planning what I'd want it to look like about 3 years before I was even CLOSE to getting married. And then when I actually did get engaged, I changed my mind again and took about 2 months of our 3 1/2 month engagement just to decide my colors!

2. Here's what I like to call my compassionate side lol. When I was younger I hated making others feel sad or letting them know when I didn't like things. Two prime examples: everytime I would play my sister Natalie in Monopoly, when I would be winning by a lot, I would feel so bad that she didn't have any money, that I'd give her some of mine until she'd turn the game around and beat me mercilessly. Haha thanks alot Nat! Second, everytime my mom, or anyone for that matter, would buy me clothes that I didn't like, instead of having her take them back and buy me new ones I did like, I'd tell her I really liked them, then hide them in the back of my closet until she'd find them 2 years later with the tags still on.

3. I hate wrinkled sheets on my feet. I think it drives Randy crazy, but every night I pull the bed sheets and blankets tight across the bed so when I slip in it's smooth against my feet. If it's not just right, I feel like I'm being suffocated and have to get out of bed and pull them tight again.

4. I don't really like being the center of attention and therefore often keep quiet in a crowd. Instead, I get my kicks from seeing others succeed. For example, I felt like I had won Jr Miss Arizona when my best friend Lindsey did I was so excited, and everytime I watched someone get a gold medal during the olympics I would get kinda teary eyed because I just knew that had to be the most awesome experience.

5. My husband is the creative one in our family. How often does that happen in a relationship? He's the reason our house is decorated in the way it is.

6. And finally, most of the time I prefer fruit over chocolate. There's just something about that fresh sweet taste!


Natalie said...

He he he. Do you remember when I rigged the Rack-O game and made it so all my cards lined up? You're so wonderful for putting up with me!

Andrea said...

Let's see some of the Randy decor! I'm dying to see your house now that you're in it!